Marathon 2: Durandal is the second installment of this popular franchise from Bungie, the same developers who brought you Halo and Destiny. This game was first released in 1995 for Macintosh operating systems and picks up where the original installment left off, this time with a more extensive and exciting single player campaign.
Bungie itself shared the code for Marathon 2 in 1999, which led to the development of Aleph One, an open source engine that can run the Marathon trilogy on modern computers with Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems without a hitch. Of course, this engine is the one used in this version of the game, enabling you to play with high-resolution, panoramic scenes. It also lets you customize other settings for both the game's graphics and controls.
Marathon 2: Durandal's campaign is much more extensive than the first installment's, with more locations and enemies. It also includes a new weapon, the shotgun, and you can even equip yourself with two weapons at once to double your firepower. All this to say, this game's campaign is much more extensive and entertaining, picking up where the first installment left off. To understand what's going on, however, you'll have to pay attention to the terminals you discover.
Marathon 2: Durandal is an excellent FPS that runs with the Aleph One engine and looks absolutely fantastic. Best of all, in addition to its story mode, there are also several multiplayer modes to make it easier to play with your friends.
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